Guide Code of Conduct
The Mountain Guides Association of Nepal (MoGAN) requires its members to be ethical and professional in the conduct of their guide’s lives. This Code of Ethics applies to recognize all members of the MoGAN including apprentice, assistant, and certified guides, instructors, students, and licensed providers. It applies in all settings and circumstances including courses, work and volunteer roles, marketing, electronic communications, and social media. Any violation of this Code of Ethics and Conduct may result in disciplinary action.
- Risk minimizes, safety, security and the well-being of our clients is our prime concern.
- Where practical and possible, we should provide assistance to persons having difficulty by offering help. In providing assistance to others, we should avoid compromising the well-being of our clients.
- Our clients have the right to expect us to be up-to-date on the latest methods and techniques to use suitable and well-functioning equipment.
- We must be aware of our own physical, technical, and experiential limitations. We should use routes and terrain that are within our expertise and capabilities.
- We are expected to teach and practice Leave No Trace principles and to be knowledgeable of local natural history.
- As professionals, we must be culturally competent. The MoGAN accept that all human beings, respect religion, gender equality, creed, are entitled to enjoy the mountains without threat of discrimination of their values and customs.
- As representatives of the MoGAN we must conduct ourselves in a manner that reflects well on the MoGAN. This applies to MoGAN programs as well as anytime we are interacting with clients, public, our guidelines, government agencies, and others.
- We must understand our level of training and certification as defined by the MoGAN Scope of Practice (SOP). This includes accurately and representing the level of our training and certification to clients, the public, government agencies, and others.
- We must work within the regulatory, permit, certification, and aspirant requirements of the country and/or land management agency in or under which we intend to work. We must obey all laws, rules, and regulations applicable to our guiding or other activities.